Disclosure: On this site you won’t find specific advice on “how to call function xyz()”. Interpreting C++ ARM and #pragma dwim is also out of scope.

We’re treating our readers as intelligent beings who can use Google and/or StackOverflow, where all such specific questions were answered more than once.

What you will find is opinions, more opinions, and even more opinions on all the aspects of software development - and with a large chunk of them based on real-world experience too.

Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included.


If they wrote it in a book, it MUST BE GOOD CODE!
How many mistakes can fit into 100 lines of book tutorial code. Part 1

Quote: “Throwing away 1400 bytes for no reason for every single network message is an outrageous waste”
Another Quote: “Having this kind of stuff in your code is like having a time bomb: it will explode, and for any sizeable project if will usually happen sooner rather than later (unless, of course, “later” is the worst possible time for the explosion to happen)”

Invented a Security Feature and Is Very Proud of It!

Abstract: If you’re very proud of some feature – think twice if it will really work.
Quote: “One thing nobody realised for a while is that the system with the least possible amount of chargebacks is the system which rejects all transactions outright”

Client-Plus-Server Password Hashing as a Potential Way to Improve Security Against Brute Force Attacks without Overloading the Server

Abstract: Client-Side password hashing (in addition to existing server-side hashing) can improve resilience to brute-force attacks.
Quote: “Even if client-side is 10x slower than server-side, it leaves us with 10x improvement which is certainly a good thing to have”

2D Scaling Basics for Games and Web Design

Abstract: 2D scaling is a headache.
Quote: “For us (as developers) it is important to know that the difference does exist, and that we should be ready to store graphics with larger sizes even when we personally don’t see the need to do it.”

Non-Superfluous People: Architects

Quote: “The reasons for rebellious behavior vary, and are not necessarily selfish”
Another Quote: “You will have an architect (formal, informal, collective…) pretty much no matter what you’re doing.”

Part VIIb: Security (concluded) of 64 Network DO’s and DON’Ts for Multi-Player Game Developers

Quote: “What is practically very important – is to keep all the “unsanitized” data in one place.”
Another Quote: “What will happen if attacker got the whole database of your users’ passwords?”

Part VIIa: Security (TLS/SSL) of 64 Network DO’s and DON’Ts for Multi-Player Game Developers

Quote: “Design of secure protocols is a thing which even security professionals have lots of problems with.”
Another Quote: “In the security field, if you can disable something unused – you SHOULD do it”