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This category consists of posts which form “1st beta” of the Vol. IV-VI (Development) of the upcoming 3-volume monster “Development & Deployment of Multiplayer Online Games”. Please note that order of the posts is “as they were published on this site”, and is not exactly the same as the order of the Chapters within Vol. 2. For Chapters in correct order – please refer to ToC of Vol. 2.

D&D of MOGs: Vol. IV-VI (1st beta), page 5:

Game Graphics 101: Static 2D (Vectors/Rasters, Color Spaces, 2D Anti-Aliasing, etc.)

Quote: “when trying to scale vector image to VERY small pixel sizes – you might get problems”
Another Quote: “Internally, JPEG uses a close cousin of a Fourier Transform, which works over 8×8 pixel blocks.”

War on Clones, Part II. Identifying Mobile and Browsers. Social and Payment-Based Identification. Putting it all together.

Quote: “as much as iOS is a device identification nightmare, Android is a device identification paradise.”
Another Quote: “Everybody makes occasional mistakes, cheaters/abusers included.”

War on Clones, Part I. IP-based (non-)Identification. Identifying PCs and Macs

Quote: “NEVER EVER use IPv4 for long-term bans”
Another Quote: “If using MAC addresses to identify devices, you SHOULD gather stats on repeating MAC addresses within your DB”

Random Number Generation

Quote: “even if your RNG is statistically perfect, people will still complain 🙁 “
Another Quote: “On modern x86 CPUs, single core can generate 150M+ random bytes/second this way (and this is a Damn Lot).”

Implementing Queues for Event-Driven Programs

Quote: “full queues SHOULD NOT happen during normal operation”
Another Quote: “With queues-implemented-over-mutexes like the ones we’ve written above, the most annoying thing performance-wise is that there is a chance that the OS’s scheduler can force the preemptive context switch right when the thread-being-preempted-is-owning-our-mutex.”