Disclosure: On this site you won’t find specific advice on “how to call function xyz()”. Interpreting C++ ARM and #pragma dwim is also out of scope.

We’re treating our readers as intelligent beings who can use Google and/or StackOverflow, where all such specific questions were answered more than once.

What you will find is opinions, more opinions, and even more opinions on all the aspects of software development - and with a large chunk of them based on real-world experience too.

Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included.


Game Graphics 101: Rendering 2D on GPU. Shaders

Quote: “Using 3D engine can improve your 2D picture dramatically.”
Another Quote: “Strictly speaking, “shader” is a program which is executed for each “vertex” or each “pixel””

Deterministic Components for Distributed Systems

Quote: “Then you can recover from any single server failure in a perfectly transparent manner”
Another Quote: “after the program fails in production, we can get the input log and run it in the comfort of a developer’s machine, under a debugger, as many times as we want, and get exactly the same variables at exactly the same points as happened in production”

Game Graphics 101: 2D Animation, Sprites, Double and Triple Buffering

Quote: “If you’re using double buffering AND perform buffer swap in sync with the V-Sync signal, your monitor will show your game just as a movie projector with shutter would show a cartoon in the cinema”
Another Quote: “I’ve seen a pretty minimal 2D engine written from scratch at a cost of 4-6 person-weeks”

Game Graphics 101: Static 2D (Vectors/Rasters, Color Spaces, 2D Anti-Aliasing, etc.)

Quote: “when trying to scale vector image to VERY small pixel sizes – you might get problems”
Another Quote: “Internally, JPEG uses a close cousin of a Fourier Transform, which works over 8×8 pixel blocks.”

Graphics for Games 101. Asset Pipeline

Quote: “you MUST NOT edit any of intermediate files directly”
Another Quote: “How will I implement automation?”

Knowledge-Sharing Architects As An Alternative to Coding Architects

Quote: “Yes, a coding architect might work (and is indeed orders of magnitude better than an architect who has no clue about the code), but a knowledge-sharing architect will generally work better.”
Another Quote: “As a nice side effect, the very same knowledge sharing weakens a dependency on the architect (and reducing any dependency on a specific person is a Universally Good Thing™).”

War on Clones, Part II. Identifying Mobile and Browsers. Social and Payment-Based Identification. Putting it all together.

Quote: “as much as iOS is a device identification nightmare, Android is a device identification paradise.”
Another Quote: “Everybody makes occasional mistakes, cheaters/abusers included.”