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Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included

Network programming is one field which everybody uses but very few people really know in depth. Our IT Hare did write a software which processes billions of network packets per day; moreover, they’ve done it in a very robust and efficient manner. And last but not least, they’re ready to share their experience :-)

Network Programming, page 2:

Marshalling and Encodings

Quote: “Encoded data size is especially important for Client-Server communications, and less important (within reason) for Server-to-Server ones and for locally-stored format.”
Another Quote: “On the other hand, due to being optimized for CPU operation, Flatbuffers are NOT optimized space-wise; even compared to not-so-optimal-space-wise Google Protocol Buffers, Flatbuffers can lose additional 1.5x in size”

Network Programming: Socket Peculiarities, Threads, and Testing

Quote: “I am not saying that this architecture is the only viable one, but it does work for TCP for sure (and performs reasonably well too)”
Another Quote: “The whole task of optimizing performance beyond, say, 20-50K packets/second per box tends to be Quite Elaborated, and involves quite a few things which are platform- and hardware-dependent.”

UDP for games – security (encryption and DDoS protection)

Quote: “Yes, you DO need to encrypt your UDP traffic. And no, using UDP is NOT a valid excuse to skip encryption”
Another Quote: “Personally, I prefer to think of it as of insurance – when I’m paying my premiums in hope that my money will go to waste.”

UDP from MOG Perspective

Quote: “you may think of UDP as of an analog of good old C: you can do pretty much everything, but it is not because the language helps you – it is rather because it doesn’t stand in the way :-)”
Another Quote: “As most of the routers (including pretty much every backbone router out there) are not configured to support multicast, it makes multicast over the public Internet hopeless :-(“

Unity 5 vs UE4 vs Photon vs DIY for MMO

Quote: “You can still use HLAPI despite its shortcomings”
Another Quote: “If you’re using one of the engines above (and not your own one), and your game requires Client-Driven Development Flow, you may want to start with a single-player Unity 5, or with a single-player UE4.”