If you're in trouble and cannot find an answer to a question which goes beyond Stack Overflow...
If you have a not-so-usual solution for your problems but need to justify it to your boss...
If you like to think on your own rather than blindly follow "common wisdom" and "profound truth"...
...then 'No Bugs' Hare on Soft.ware might be the right place for you.
Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included
“No Bugs” Hare
Author:“No Bugs” Hare  Follow: TwitterFacebook
Species:H.A.R.E. (as "Honest And Restless Engineer")
Job Title:Sarcastic Architect
Hobbies:Thinking Aloud, Arguing with Managers, Annoying HRs,
Calling a Spade a Spade, Keeping Tongue in Cheek
'No Bugs' Bunny

Once upon a time, in a rabbit outsourcing warren of Bunnylore, there was a young software developer bunny. And as a developer, he has had one very unusual treat: he was obsessed with eliminating all the bugs he can get his forelegs on. So, it is not surprising that his friends called him a “No Bugs” Bunny (or simply “NoBugs”).

Later on, he grew up, so he decided that “Bunny” in his name has became inappropriate (not to mention potential arguments with Warner Brothers), so he has asked all his friends to call him “No Bugs” Hare. He has made a career as a team lead and software architect, and they lived happily ever after.

“No Bugs” Hare Opera Omnia, Vol.25:

Journaled Flash Storage – Emulating EEPROM over Flash, ACID Transactions, and More. Part I – Flash vs EEPROM

Quote: “You cannot erase single byte of Flash, but need to erase the whole page”
Another Quote: “First of all, we want to be sure that whatever-is-already-written to our persistent storage, stays there; this property is known as Durability.”

Modified Harvard Architecture: Clarifying Confusion

Abstract: Definition of “Modified Harvard” architecture is confusing and overbroad. Proposed alternatives are “Almost-Harvard” and “Almost-von-Neumann”
Quote: “One thing nobody realised for a while is that the system with the least possible amount of chargebacks is the system which rejects all transactions outright”

Multi-threading at Business-logic Level is Considered Harmful

Quote: “However, the window for triviality is very narrow: for example, even going into two interrelated mutexes instead of one, can easily make multi-threading non-trivial”
Another Quote: “Technically you are able to jump to any point of your program, but the variables you see may (and if you have a multi-threaded bug – will) differ every time you jump there.”

If they wrote it in a book, it MUST BE GOOD CODE!
How many mistakes can fit into 100 lines of book tutorial code? Part 2

Abstract: There are books and there are books. Some of the books can be trusted. Some are to be avoided.
Quote: “While the detection of pointer parameter being NULL is almost universally a good idea, having it silently ignored might lead to difficult-to-find bugs.”

If they wrote it in a book, it MUST BE GOOD CODE!
How many mistakes can fit into 100 lines of book tutorial code. Part 1

Quote: “Throwing away 1400 bytes for no reason for every single network message is an outrageous waste”
Another Quote: “Having this kind of stuff in your code is like having a time bomb: it will explode, and for any sizeable project if will usually happen sooner rather than later (unless, of course, “later” is the worst possible time for the explosion to happen)”