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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Server’, page 7:

On Cheating, P2P, and [non-]Authoritative Servers from “D&D of MMOG” book

Abstract: “Any successful MMOG faces cheaters, and currently authoritative servers is the only way which enables fighting them.”
Quote: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and Iā€™m not sure about the universe. ā€” Albert Einstein”

Part IIIb: Server-Side (deployment, optimizations, and testing) of 64 Network DO’s and DONT’s for Game Engines

Quote: “If your game is the only one working when all the competition is down, it improves user perception about your app a lot.”
Another Quote: “Most importantly, however, this approach allows to keep your players happy ā€“ and this is one thing which really matters”