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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Server’, page 6:

Unity 5 vs UE4 vs Photon vs DIY for MMO

Quote: “You can still use HLAPI despite its shortcomings”
Another Quote: “If you’re using one of the engines above (and not your own one), and your game requires Client-Driven Development Flow, you may want to start with a single-player Unity 5, or with a single-player UE4.”

MMOG: World States and Reducing Traffic

Quote: “In practice, for most classical RPGs you can get away with simulating each of your PCs and NPCs as a box (parallelepiped), or as prism (say, hexagonal or octagonal one)”
Another Quote: “Mathematically speaking, without Interest Management, the amount of data on our servers will need to send (to all players combined), is O(N^2). Interest Management reduces this number to O(N)”

MMOG. RTT, Input Lag, and How to Mitigate Them

Quote: “For fast-paced games, there is one big problem with the flow shown on this diagram, and the name of the problem is “latency” (a.k.a. ‘input lag’)”
Another Quote: “No, better bandwidth doesn’t necessarily mean better latency”

MMOG Server-Side. Programming Languages

Quote: “From the 50’000-feet point of view, 90% of the differences between modern mainstream programming languages (as they’re normally used – or better to say, SHOULD be used – at application-level) are minor or superficial.”
Another Quote: “On the server side (unlike client-side) protection from bot writers is not an issue (as server-side code is never exposed to players)”

MMOG Server-Side. Eternal Linux-vs-Windows Debate

Quote: “Each server is only as secure as its admin”
Another Quote: “For cheaper servers, the difference between Windows and Linux can eat as much as 50% of the server rental price (though for those servers which are more or less optimal price-performance-wise observed difference was closer to 20-30%).”

Server-Side Architecture. Front-End Servers and Client-Side Random Load Balancing

Quote: “[about Round-Robin DNS] one of these returned IPs can get cached by a Big Fat DNS server, and then get distributed to many thousands of clients”
Another Quote: “As a rule of thumb, Front-End Servers are a Good Thing™”

Server-Side MMO Architecture. Naïve, Web-Based, and Classical Deployment Architectures

Quote: “If you disrupt the game-event-currently-in-progress for more than 0.5-2 minutes, for almost-any synchronous multi-player game you won’t be able to get the same players back, and will need to rollback the game event anyway.”
Another Quote: “However, keep in mind, that all fall-tolerant solutions are complicated, costly, and for the games realm I generally consider them as an over-engineering (even by my standards).”