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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Overload’, page 2:

Determinism: Requirements vs Features

Abstract: Apparently, in practice there is big difference between cross-platform determinism and same-executable determinism, both in abilities they can provide, and from implementation complexity point of view
Quote: “Cross-platform determinism is the strictest definition of determinism I know; not surprisingly, there are quite a few factors which can break it”

Deterministic Components for Distributed Systems

Quote: “Then you can recover from any single server failure in a perfectly transparent manner”
Another Quote: “after the program fails in production, we can get the input log and run it in the comfort of a developer’s machine, under a debugger, as many times as we want, and get exactly the same variables at exactly the same points as happened in production”

Knowledge-Sharing Architects As An Alternative to Coding Architects

Quote: “Yes, a coding architect might work (and is indeed orders of magnitude better than an architect who has no clue about the code), but a knowledge-sharing architect will generally work better.”
Another Quote: “As a nice side effect, the very same knowledge sharing weakens a dependency on the architect (and reducing any dependency on a specific person is a Universally Good Thing™).”

On Zero-Side-Effect Interactive Programming, Actors, and FSMs

Abstract: “WHY are functional programming languages not popular for interactive programming purposes?” and “WHAT we can do about it?”
Quote: “IMNSHO, deterministic Actors are the very best thing in existence for interactive programming, with lots of very practical benefits (from production post-mortem, to protection of in-memory state against server faults).”

Password Hashing: Why and How

Abstract: Password hashing is a Big Headache, and doing it right is complicated
Quote: “Note that none of the C++11 random number engines (LCG, Mersenne-Twister, or Lagged Fibonacci) can be considered good enough for cryptographic purposes – in short, they’re way too predictable and can be broken by a determined attacker, given enough output has leaked.”

Multi-threading at Business-logic Level is Considered Harmful

Quote: “However, the window for triviality is very narrow: for example, even going into two interrelated mutexes instead of one, can easily make multi-threading non-trivial”
Another Quote: “Technically you are able to jump to any point of your program, but the variables you see may (and if you have a multi-threaded bug – will) differ every time you jump there.”