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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Manager’, page 1:

MOG GDD (a.k.a. Business Requirements)

Quote: “You don’t “make” a violin. It is barrels and benches which are “made”. And violins, just like bread, grapes, and children – are born and raised.”
Another Quote: “The very first step should be to understand what exactly you’re going to achieve.”

Non-Superfluous People: UX Specialists

Quote: “Hey folks, it is a Writer application, where most of the work is done (surprise!) with a keyboard, and moving a hand from keyboard to mouse for such a routine task is a waste of time.”
Another Quote: “In any project which has UI (and has more than 1 or 2 developers), you do need somebody to advocate end-user interests.”

On CMM, Formalism and Creativity

Abstract: CMM, if taken literally, inhibits creativity “by definition”. See if we can find a creative way to allow creativity to survive.
Quote: “…where the head of the organization is second-rate, he will see to it that his immediate staff are all third-rate; and they will, in turn, see to it that their subordinates are fourth-rate.” – C.N. Parkinson