Disclosure: On this site you won’t find specific advice on “how to call function xyz()”. Interpreting C++ ARM and #pragma dwim is also out of scope.

We’re treating our readers as intelligent beings who can use Google and/or StackOverflow, where all such specific questions were answered more than once.

What you will find is opinions, more opinions, and even more opinions on all the aspects of software development - and with a large chunk of them based on real-world experience too.

Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included.


Journaled Flash Storage – Emulating EEPROM over Flash, ACID Transactions, and More. Part III – JoFS Itself

Abstract: JoFS provides faithful EEPROM emulation and ACID-compliant Flash-based storage
Quote: “The first working version of JoFS is expected approximately by the end of 2015”

Journaled Flash Storage – Emulating EEPROM over Flash, ACID Transactions, and More. Part II – Existing Implementations by Atmel, SiLabs, TI, STM, and Microchip

Quote: “Whenever a developer is using something named ‘X Emulation over Y’, she may expect that a faithful emulation exhibits the same properties as original (non-emulated) X.”
Another Quote: “Unfortunately, as discussed in detail above, none of five implementations is a really faithful EEPROM emulation.”

Journaled Flash Storage – Emulating EEPROM over Flash, ACID Transactions, and More. Part I – Flash vs EEPROM

Quote: “You cannot erase single byte of Flash, but need to erase the whole page”
Another Quote: “First of all, we want to be sure that whatever-is-already-written to our persistent storage, stays there; this property is known as Durability.”

Modified Harvard Architecture: Clarifying Confusion

Abstract: Definition of “Modified Harvard” architecture is confusing and overbroad. Proposed alternatives are “Almost-Harvard” and “Almost-von-Neumann”
Quote: “One thing nobody realised for a while is that the system with the least possible amount of chargebacks is the system which rejects all transactions outright”

Addressing the Delayed Message Attack in Wireless IoT Environments

Abstract: Delayed-Message Attacks can Represent a Real Threat if Left Unchecked
Quote: “Prevention/mitigation of the Attack is easy, but it needs to be taken into account at the application level.”

Multi-threading at Business-logic Level is Considered Harmful

Quote: “However, the window for triviality is very narrow: for example, even going into two interrelated mutexes instead of one, can easily make multi-threading non-trivial”
Another Quote: “Technically you are able to jump to any point of your program, but the variables you see may (and if you have a multi-threaded bug – will) differ every time you jump there.”

If they wrote it in a book, it MUST BE GOOD CODE!
How many mistakes can fit into 100 lines of book tutorial code? Part 2

Abstract: There are books and there are books. Some of the books can be trusted. Some are to be avoided.
Quote: “While the detection of pointer parameter being NULL is almost universally a good idea, having it silently ignored might lead to difficult-to-find bugs.”