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...then 'No Bugs' Hare on Soft.ware might be the right place for you.
Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included

Which team members should you have on your dream team? What their roles and responsibilities should be? If you’re trying to build a team without having good answers to these (and many other) questions – you’re most likely heading to the edge of the cliff.

Of course, there is no one universal answer for these (admittedly very tough) questions, but there are some practical observations which might help…

Team Structure, page 1:

Knowledge-Sharing Architects As An Alternative to Coding Architects

Quote: “Yes, a coding architect might work (and is indeed orders of magnitude better than an architect who has no clue about the code), but a knowledge-sharing architect will generally work better.”
Another Quote: “As a nice side effect, the very same knowledge sharing weakens a dependency on the architect (and reducing any dependency on a specific person is a Universally Good Thing™).”

Non-Superfluous People: UX Specialists

Quote: “Hey folks, it is a Writer application, where most of the work is done (surprise!) with a keyboard, and moving a hand from keyboard to mouse for such a routine task is a waste of time.”
Another Quote: “In any project which has UI (and has more than 1 or 2 developers), you do need somebody to advocate end-user interests.”