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Wikipedia defines a distributed system as a “software system in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages.”

In modern world, more and more systems become distributed. Yet, surprisingly few authors write about practical architecture of distributed systems. As our Hare have architected all kinds of distributed systems, from a stock exchange to a billion-messages-a-day game, we’re in a very good position to fill this gap.

Distributed Systems, page 2:

MMOG: World States and Reducing Traffic

Quote: “In practice, for most classical RPGs you can get away with simulating each of your PCs and NPCs as a box (parallelepiped), or as prism (say, hexagonal or octagonal one)”
Another Quote: “Mathematically speaking, without Interest Management, the amount of data on our servers will need to send (to all players combined), is O(N^2). Interest Management reduces this number to O(N)”

MMOG. RTT, Input Lag, and How to Mitigate Them

Quote: “For fast-paced games, there is one big problem with the flow shown on this diagram, and the name of the problem is “latency” (a.k.a. ‘input lag’)”
Another Quote: “No, better bandwidth doesn’t necessarily mean better latency”

Server-Side Architecture. Front-End Servers and Client-Side Random Load Balancing

Quote: “[about Round-Robin DNS] one of these returned IPs can get cached by a Big Fat DNS server, and then get distributed to many thousands of clients”
Another Quote: “As a rule of thumb, Front-End Servers are a Good Thing™”

Server-Side MMO Architecture. Naïve, Web-Based, and Classical Deployment Architectures

Quote: “If you disrupt the game-event-currently-in-progress for more than 0.5-2 minutes, for almost-any synchronous multi-player game you won’t be able to get the same players back, and will need to rollback the game event anyway.”
Another Quote: “However, keep in mind, that all fall-tolerant solutions are complicated, costly, and for the games realm I generally consider them as an over-engineering (even by my standards).”

Client-Side. On Debugging Distributed Systems, Deterministic Logic, and Finite State Machines

Quote: “After your logic has failed in production, you can “replay” this inputs-log on your functionally identical in-house system, and the bug will be reproduced at the very same point where it has originally happened.”
Another Quote: “You can implement your Finite State Machine as a deterministic variation of a usual event-driven program”

Contents of “Development and Deployment of Multiplayer Online Games: from social games to MMOFPS, with stock exchanges in between”

Abstract: There are lots of things to think about when developing a massively multiplayer game
Quote: “Good Development & Deployment cannot make your game, but bad ones can easily kill it”