Abstract: | Rumors about user being the source of all the evil are greatly exaggerrated. |
Quote: | “He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” — Ecclesiastes |
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Each and every of successful team leads has their own philosophy. And while there is no “one correct” philosophy (in the very same manner as there is no “one correct” religion), different philosophies lead to different results.
Of course, as successful team leads, IT Hares have their own philosophy, which they’re not ashamed to share.
Development Philosophy, page 2:
Programming Darwinism
Abstract: | Agile programming species generally have more chances for survival. |
Quote: | “Programming is like sex: one mistake and you’re providing support for a lifetime.” — Michael Sinz |
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From the Age of Power to the Age of Magic and beyond…
Abstract: | Evolution has already brought us from Age of Power to Age of Knowledge. What’s next? |
Quote: | “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” — Arthur C. Clarke |
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The Guy We’re All Working For
Abstract: | If we like it or not, developers exist solely for one purpose: to make user happy. |
Quote: | “If developers are forced to do something outright stupid, one cannot possibly expect them to work with enthusiasm.” |
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On CMM, Formalism and Creativity
Abstract: | CMM, if taken literally, inhibits creativity “by definition”. See if we can find a creative way to allow creativity to survive. |
Quote: | “…where the head of the organization is second-rate, he will see to it that his immediate staff are all third-rate; and they will, in turn, see to it that their subordinates are fourth-rate.” – C.N. Parkinson |
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Overused Code Reuse
Abstract: | When done imporerply, code reuse can cause severe problems, including loss of life. |
Quote: | “Reusing code from other projects or (even worse) from 3rd-parties SHOULD NOT be taken lightly. Or else…” |
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From Occam’s Razor to No Bugs’ Axe
Quote: | “Fight Features. …the only way to make software secure, reliable, and fast is to make it small” — Andrew S. Tanenbaum |
Another Quote: | “If you do not have a concrete case of how a feature will be used – do not provide it. Yet.” |
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