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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Crypto’, page 1:

Advocating “Obscurity Pockets” as a Complement to Security. Part II. Deployment Scenarios, More Crypto-Primitives, and Obscurity-Pocket-As-Security

Quote: “In other words – such an Obscured RNG would protect us from Debian RNG disaster(!)”
Another Quote: “such a protocol (if properly deployed on the Server Side) – would defeat Heartbleed too (even if all the details of the Client are known)”

Advocating “Obscurity Pockets” as a Complement to Security. Part I. Definition and Benefits.

Quote: “In a hypothetical world where attackers would need to create a unique attack script for each system attacked – such an economy would be a non-starter.”
Another Quote: “If all the people would be the same – pandemics such as Black Death would easily take the whole humankind down; it is diversity among humans which allowed us to survive.”

UDP for games – security (encryption and DDoS protection)

Quote: “Yes, you DO need to encrypt your UDP traffic. And no, using UDP is NOT a valid excuse to skip encryption”
Another Quote: “Personally, I prefer to think of it as of insurance – when I’m paying my premiums in hope that my money will go to waste.”

Password Hashing: Why and How

Abstract: Password hashing is a Big Headache, and doing it right is complicated
Quote: “Note that none of the C++11 random number engines (LCG, Mersenne-Twister, or Lagged Fibonacci) can be considered good enough for cryptographic purposes – in short, they’re way too predictable and can be broken by a determined attacker, given enough output has leaked.”

Client-Plus-Server Password Hashing as a Potential Way to Improve Security Against Brute Force Attacks without Overloading the Server

Abstract: Client-Side password hashing (in addition to existing server-side hashing) can improve resilience to brute-force attacks.
Quote: “Even if client-side is 10x slower than server-side, it leaves us with 10x improvement which is certainly a good thing to have”