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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘cross-platform’, page 1:

Avoiding Ugly Afterthoughts. Part a. From Writing for Cross-Platform, to Writing for Debugging and Production Post-Mortem, with Error Handling in between

Quote: “It is strongly recommended to have your build server to compile your game for at least two sufficiently-different platforms from the very beginning”
Another Quote: “If allocation of 50 bytes causes an “out of memory” error, we’re probably already long dead because of unacceptable swapping. And even if we disabled swap file – chances that we will recover from this condition, are infinitesimally small”

If they wrote it in a book, it MUST BE GOOD CODE!
How many mistakes can fit into 100 lines of book tutorial code. Part 1

Quote: “Throwing away 1400 bytes for no reason for every single network message is an outrageous waste”
Another Quote: “Having this kind of stuff in your code is like having a time bomb: it will explode, and for any sizeable project if will usually happen sooner rather than later (unless, of course, “later” is the worst possible time for the explosion to happen)”