![]() | Author: | “No Bugs” Hare Follow: ![]() ![]() |
Job Title: | Sarcastic Architect | |
Hobbies: | Thinking Aloud, Arguing with Managers, Annoying HRs, Calling a Spade a Spade, Keeping Tongue in Cheek | |
[rabbit_ddmog vol=”1″ chap=”Chapter 3(c) from “beta” Volume I”]
After we’ve discussed Publishable State, the next thing we’ll need for our MMO is Point-to-Point communications. While Publishable State is mostly about servers communicating with clients, Point-to-Point communications can happen either between client and server, or between two servers. These two types of Point-to-Point communications have quite a bit in common, but there are also substantial differences.
Note that differences between TCP and UDP are still beyond the scope until Chapter [[TODO]]; for now we’re speaking of what we need, and not about how to implement it.
Regardless of the nature of Point-to-Point communications (whether it’s being between client and server, or between two servers), they share certain common properties.
In particular, it is common for games to implement point-to-point communications as non-blocking Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). While this is not required (and you can use simple message exchange instead – with either hand-written or IDL-based marshalling), non-blocking RPCs tend to speed up development significantly.
The reason for it is the following. With games, you SHOULD use event-driven/FSM programming (if I didn’t manage to convince you about it in Chapter V, just trust most of game developers out there, and take a note of most of them using FSMs at least to some extent; in particular, classical game loop and simulation loop are FSMs). And with event-driven FSMs, any blocking operation (especially the one which involves waiting for remote entity) is a Big No-No.
Implementing Non-Blocking RPCs
IDL An interface description language or interface definition language (IDL), is a specification language used to describe a software component's application programming interface (API).— Wikipedia —To implement non-blocking RPCs, you need a way to specify signatures of your remotely-callable functions; such specification defines the interface (and often protocol, though see more on encodings in [[TODO!]] section below) between RPC caller and RPC callee. Sometimes (like in Unity), it is done by adding certain attributes ([RPC]/[ClientRpc]/[Command] method attributes in Unity) to existing functions/methods.
However, usually I prefer to have my own explicit IDL (with an IDL compiler) instead. The reason for this preference for a separate IDL is that whenever we specify RPC signatures right in the code, it means that having them in the code-written-in-a-different-language, we’ll need at least to specify them once again in the second language (what makes code maintenance extremely error-prone).1
We’ll discuss implementation of your own IDL in the [[TODO]] section, but for the purposes of our current discussion it doesn’t really matter whether we’re using intra-language RPC specifications (like in Unity), or our own external IDL (as we’ll discuss below).
Specifics of Non-blocking RPCs
Non-blocking RPCs have some peculiarities, both for implementing them, and for using them. In general, there are two cases for non-blocking RPCs.
The first case is a non-blocking RPC, which returns void (and can’t throw any exceptions). For such void RPCs, everything is simple – caller just marshals RPC parameters, and sends a message to the callee, and the callee unmarshals it and executes RPC call, that’s about it. From all the points of view (except for pure syntax), calling such an RPC is the same as sending a message (with all the differences being of purely syntactic nature).
A typical example of such an RPC (as defined in an IDL) is something along the following lines:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | STRUCT Input { bool left; bool top; bool right; bool bottom; bool shift; bool ctrl; }; void move_me(Input in); |
Non-void RPCs
The second (and much more complicated) case for RPCs is an RPC which either returns a value, or is allowed to throw an exception (or both). An example IDL for such a non-void RPC is the one from Chapter VI:
1 | int dbGetAccountBalance( int user_id); |
“Non-void RPCs are significantly more complicated to implement, and most of the popular game engines out there do NOT support themThese non-void RPCs are significantly more complicated to implement, and most of the popular game engines out there do NOT support them (see Chapter [[TODO]] for more information about Unity/Photon and Unreal Engine).
The main issue with implementing non-void RPCs is for the caller to specify what to do when the function returns (or throws an exception). There are many ways of doing it, they were discussed in Chapter VI, section “Asynchronous Processing for Finite State Machines/Actors: from plain event processing to Futures (with OO and Lambda Call Pyramids in between)” (with FSMFutures being my personal favorite at the moment). On the other hand, while implementing them is difficult, once they are available, they do simplify development significantly, so you will want to use them if your engine supports them.
In this case, our last example will need to be rewritten along the following lines:
1 2 3 4 5 | //Game World Server to DB Server: void dbGetAccountBalance(FSMID where_to_reply, int user_id); //DB Server to Game World Server: void gameWorldGotAccountBalance( int user_id, int balance); |
or in more general manner:
1 2 3 4 5 | //Game World Server to DB Server: void dbGetAccountBalance(FSMID where_to_reply, int request_id, int user_id); //DB Server to Game World Server: void gameWorldGotAccountBalance( int request_id, int balance); |
While this will work, it is quite cumbersome and inconvenient (substantially worse than even Take 2 from Chapter VI).[[TODO! add these RPC to Chapter VI as “Take 1a”]]
Same-thread operation
“In other words, you can write your code 'as if' all-your-code-within-the-same-FSM executed within the same threadAnother thing to understand about non-blocking RPCs is that due to non-blocking nature, other things can happen within the same FSM while the RPC is executed. This can be seen as either blessing (as it allows for essentially parallel execution while staying away from any thread synchronization), or a curse (as it complicates understanding), but needs to be kept in mind at all the times you are dealing with non-blocking RPCs. One positive thing to note in this regard is that for most sane implementations, and regardless of using any of the ways to report back described in Chapter VI, you don’t need to care about thread synchronization (as all the callbacks/lambdas/futures will be called in the context of the same thread). In other words, you can write your code “as if” all-your-code-within-the-same-FSM executed within the same thread (and whether it will be actually the same thread or not, is not that important); from a bit different perspective, you can think of all the callbacks “as if” they’re essentially the same as co-routines (but using a different syntax).
Client-to-Server and Server-to-Client Point-to-Point communications
Now, as we’ve discussed the similarities between point-to-point communications, we need to describe differences. And arguably the most important difference between Client-to-Server and Server-to-Server communications, is related to disconnects. As a rule of thumb, for Server-to-Server communications the disconnects are extremely rare, and all the disconnects are transient (that is, unless your whole site is down). It means that we can expect that they are restored really quickly, which in turn means that we can try to hide temporary loss of connectivity from application layer. On the other hand, for Client-to-Server (and Server-to-Client) communications, this “restored really quickly” observation doesn’t stand, and dealing with disconnects becomes an important part of application logic.
Let’s speak about Client-to-Server and Server-to-Client communications first.
One thing which you’ll inevitably need to transfer from client to server, is player inputs. For a non-simulation game (think blackjack, stock exchange, or social game), everything is simple: you’ve got an input – you’re sending it to the server right away.
For simulation games, however, it is not that trivial. Traditionally, simulation-based games usually operate in terms of “simulation ticks”, and usually single-player games are just polling the state of keyboard/mouse/controller on each tick. As a result, when moving from a single-player simulation game to the network one, it is rather common to mimic this behaviour just by client sending state of (keyboard+mouse+controller) to the server on each tick (which becomes a “network tick”). An alternative (also pretty common) approach would send only changes to this (keyboard+mouse+controller) state; this can be done either as soon as the state is changed, or again on “tick”.
“However, as soon as we realize that packets can be lost, handling inputs becomes a bit different.As long as there are no disconnects (nor packet loss), there is no that much difference between these approaches. However, as soon as we realize that packets can be lost, handling inputs becomes a bit different.
If we’re transferring state of player’s input devices on each tick, then in case of lost packet2 PC will effectively stop on the server-side; moreover, at the same time, if we implement Client-Side Prediction, it will be running on the client side.
On the other hand, if we’re transferring only changes to keyboard/mouse/controller state, then in case of packets being lost, our PC will keep running for some time (until we detect disconnect) even if player has already released the button; this may potentially lead to PC running off the cliff even if the player’s actions didn’t cause it (just by disconnect happened at an unfortunate time).
A kind of “hybrid” approach is possible if we’re using client-to-server acknowledgment packets (which will arise in a pretty much any game world state publishing schema, see Chapter [[TODO]] for further discussion) to distinguish between “player is still keeping the button pressed” and “we have no idea, as the packet got lost” situations. In other words, if an acknowledgment arrived, but without any information about the keyboard state change – then we know for sure what is going on on the client side,3 if there is no acknowledgment – then something is wrong, so our server can stop PC before he runs off the cliff.
Overall, there is no one universal answer to these questions, so you’ll basically need to pick one schema, try it, and see if it works and feels fine for your purposes in case of pretty bad connections.
Input Timestamping
“For example, you have a Good-Bad-Ugly-style shootout, and compensate for the lag, then the Bad guy, while having worse reaction, could compensate for it by sending “shoot” input packet with an input timestamp which is 50ms earlier than the real time, essentially gaining an unfair advantage for these 50ms.One issue which is often associated with inputs, is client-side input timestamp (in practice, usually it will be a tick-stamp). This is indeed necessary to facilitate things such as Lag Compensation described in “Lag Compensation” subsection above. On the other hand, as soon as server starts to trust this timestamp, this trust (just as about any kind of trust out there) can be abused. For example, if within your game you have a Good-Bad-Ugly-style shootout, and compensate for the lag, then the Bad guy, while having worse reaction, could compensate for it by sending “shoot” input packet with an input timestamp which is 50ms earlier than the real time, essentially gaining an unfair advantage for these 50ms. In general, such cheating (regardless of way of implementing it4) is a fundamental problem of any kind of lag compensation, so you should be really sure how to handle various abuse scenarios before you introduce it.
“Macroscopic” Client Actions
In addition to sending bare input to server, client usually needs to implement some actions which go beyond it. Examples of such “macroscopic” actions include such sequences of inputs as:
- player looking at object (usually processed purely on client-side)
- client showing HUD saying that “Open” operation is available because object under the cursor is container (again, processed purely on the client-side)
- client pressing “Action” button (which means “Open” in this context)
- client showing container inventory (obtained via an RPC call, or taken from Publishable State)
- player choosing what to take out
- only then client invoking a Client-to-Server RPC such as take_from_container(item_id, container_id)
For such RPC calls as take_from_container(), disconnect during the call can be simply ignored in most cases (so that player will need to press a button again when/if the connection is restored)
Another set of “macroscopic” actions (usually having even longer chains of events before RPC call is issued) is related to dialog-based client-side interactions such as in-game purchases. In these cases, all the interactions (except, maybe, for some requests for information from the server) usually stay on the client-side until the player decides to proceed with the purchase; when this happens, Client-to-Server RPC call containing all the information necessary to proceed with the purchase, is issued.
For such RPC calls, handling of disconnect during an RPC call is not that obvious. If you want to be player-friendly (and usually you should be), you need to consider two scenarios. The first one is when the disconnect is transient, and client is able to reconnect soon; then, you need a mechanism to detect whether your RPC call has reached the server, to get the result if it did, and to re-issue the call if it didn’t; this would allow to make disconnect look really transient for the player, and to show the result of the purchase as if the disconnect has never occurred. To implement it, you’ll need to implement both re-sending of RPC call on the client side, and dealing with duplicates on the server-side, in a manner similar to the one described in “Server-to-Server” Communications section below.
“The second scenario occurs when the RPC call is interrupted by disconnect before obtaining the reply, and disconnect takes that long that client gets closed (or server gets restarted).The second scenario occurs when the RPC call is interrupted by disconnect before obtaining the reply, and disconnect takes that long that client gets closed (or server gets restarted). In this case, the only things we can practically do for the player, are not directly related to the communication protocols (but they still need to be done). Two most common features that help to make player not that unhappy in this second scenario, are (a) to send her an e-mail if the “purchase” RPC call has reached the server (it doesn’t help to vent frustration if the call didn’t reach the server
), and (b) to provide her with a way to see the list of all her purchases from the client when she’s back online (which we need to do anyway if we want to be player-friendly).
While server does send a lot of information to client (both as a part of Publishable State, and as replies to Client-to-Server RPC calls), it is not too common to call RPC from the server side.[[TODO!: add note to Chapter VI/”Asynchronous” that it is not too common to do it this way, and that it is usually client-side-driven rather than server-side-driven]]
On the other hand, in some cases such RPC calls (especially void RPC calls without the need to process reply on the server side) are helpful. One such example is passing pocket cards to the client in a poker game. This will allow to exclude pocket cards from Publishable State (which in absence of Interest Management allows for rampant cheating, as was described in “Interest Management: Traffic Optimization AND Preventing Cheating” section above).
Server-to-Server Communications
As noted above, from the point of application layer Server-to-Server communications can be made seamless (hiding disconnects, including those resulting from FSM relocations, from application layer). However, this comes at the cost of infrastructure level doing this work behind the scene. One fairly common protocol which does achieve seamless handling of disconnects, implements two related but distinct features.
First, as noted above, we’ll be usually dealing with “non-blocking RPC calls” anyway. To support some kind of callback (whether being OO, lambda, or future), we’ll need to keep a list of “outstanding RPC requests” (with their respective IDs) on the caller side anyway. And as soon as we have this list of “outstanding RPC calls”, we have sufficient information to re-send RPC request in case of lost packet/disconnect.5
Idempotence Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.— Wikipedia —On the other hand, this technique, while guaranteeing that we will get at least one RPC request on the callee side for each RPC call on the caller side, doesn’t guarantee that it will be the only one. In other words, if implementing only the logic described above, duplicate RPC calls on callee side can happen for a single RPC call on the caller side. While making all the RPC calls idempotent would solve this problem, in practice making sure that each and every call is idempotent at the application layer, is not exactly realistic.
That’s why a second part of processing (this time – on the callee side) needs to be added. For example, we can make the callee side keep the list of “recently-processed RPC request_ids” (with associated replies), and if some request with an ID from this list comes in – we should just to provide the associated reply without calling anything on the callee side. This scenario may legitimately happen if the connection was lost-and-restored after the request was received, but before the reply was acknowledged, but the handling mentioned above, guarantees that everything is handled “as if” disconnect has never happened.
“As soon as we have these two parts of processing – we can say that our Server-to-Server communication is tolerant to all kinds of transient inter-server disconnects.As soon as we have these two parts of processing (in practice, it will be a bit more complicated, as information on “which replies can be dropped from the list” will need to be communicated too, plus, most likely, we’ll need to implement handshakes to distinguish between new connection and the broken one) – we can say that our Server-to-Server communication is tolerant to all kinds of transient inter-server disconnects. This is necessary not only to deal with inter-server disconnects at TCP level (which are extremely rare in practice), but is also one of prerequisites to deal with scenarios when we’re restoring/moving an FSM (see Chapter VI, section “Failure Modes and Effects” for details).
An alternative (similar, but not identical) way of dealing with such transient-disconnect issues, is to create two “guaranteed delivery” message streams (going into opposite directions), with each of the streams keeping its own list of “unacknowledged messages”, and re-sending them on loss-and-restore of underlying connection; on the receiving side, a simple “last ID processed” is sufficient6 to filter out all the duplicates.
[[To Be Continued…
This concludes beta Chapter 3(c) from the upcoming book “Development and Deployment of Massively Multiplayer Games (from social games to MMOFPS, with social games in between)”. Stay tuned for beta Chapter 3(d), “IDL: Encodings, Mappings, and Backward Compatibility”]]

Cartoons by Sergey Gordeev from Gordeev Animation Graphics, Prague.
Regarding Server-to-Server communications. Do you have any thoughts on using stuffs like ZeroMQ and RabbitMQ? Would you recommend using any of them in our MMOG?
TBH, I didn’t use any of them personally (prefer to build my own MQ service :-), will probably elaborate on it at some point in Vol.2). However, I think that (no warranties of any kind) WoT has told on their GDC2016 presentation that they’re successfully using RabbitMQ.
Hope it helps, ‘No Bugs’
Nice. I am looking forward to reading your points about this preference of building your own MQ Service.
One question regarding your own MQ service. Does it use a broker or brokerless approach?
In vol.2, don’t forget to talk about these two approachs (broker/brokerless)
One short question just asking a short answer to not take much of your time
Should MMOGs made of QnFSMs use a MQ service with broker or brokerless approach? (Scenario: fast-paced game).
What I am usually doing is not really an MQ, but a chain of things which results in a reasonable facsimile of MQ :-).
The simplest thing is just P2P messages with delivery guarantee protocol (I think I’ve described the protocol in “beta” Chapter VII).
Then (for those apps which need DB-to-DB distributed transactions) you can extend it to a real MQ (again, a point-to-point one, but with strict guarantees of inter-DB consistency whatever happens; note that such level of consistency guarantees is NOT possible without app DB participating in the process). You can really build a banking system over this one (it is _that_ robust) – and I am arguing that you SHOULD use it for transfers of the Really Valuable Data (whatever it is – can be anything from “tokens-acting-as-in-game-currency” to game artefacts) within your game.
Addressing is a completely different story. Addressing SHOULD NOT be within apps (i.e. apps SHOULD address each other by meaningful names and not by IPs/network-names from the very beginning), but for quite a few games at first stages addressing MAY be configured on individual servers (not that much of a problem until you have dozens of them). Then, IF/WHEN you need it – you may want to move addressing from per-server config files to a central location/broker (or a distributed system, this heavily depends on your deployment architecture).
The above tends to work reasonably well within one datacenter. However, for inter-datacenter communications I am arguing for a “inter-datacenter brokers” in both datacenters (can be one broker per datacenter or one broker per inter-datacenter-connection). Inter-DB guarantees MAY be extended to such brokers too (at a cost).
However, all these decisions are not _that_ important as long as it is just a deployment-time option, which can be changed without changing your app-level code. That’s why the only thing which really matters is to understand requirements from your app side (such as “do you need inter-DB transactional integrity for this kind of communication?”), and to make sure that addressing is always by logical name (and not by IP/network-name). Then, and if your MQ/whatever library is flexible enough, you should be able to adjust deployment decisions “on the fly”, which is a Really Good Thing(tm). It is extremely difficult (IMHO outright impossible) to predict all the aspects of the future Big Deployment in advance, so you WILL need to adjust; the key here is to be able to adjust without rewriting app-level code (rewriting infrastructure-level is fine).
> Should MMOGs made of QnFSMs use a MQ service with broker or brokerless approach? (Scenario: fast-paced game).
See above :-). Most importantly you need to be flexible, and as a first deployment, I would probably try it brokerless (as long as it is within a single datacenter), adding broker(s) for inter-datacenter communications. However, there are no guarantees whatsoever, and you MAY need to adjust it in the future, so that flexibility (without changes to app level code) is extremely important.
BTW, THANK YOU! I will need to add this discussion to Vol.1 (Chapter on Protocols, “beta” Chapter VII, now Chapter III).
To actually answer your question, you want brokers most of the time. Brokers are an important part of your load balancing, and could involve high level business logic. (Flag as possibly cheating, logs to customer service, etc) You don’t really need a broker when you’re embedding game logic in MQ and the server would also be the broker.
I’ll agree with IT Hare on addressing.
Assume we have a non-blocking RPC call from FSM A to a FSM B.
Since our FSMs behaviour like this:
F'(INPUTS[]) =
where S0 is an initial state of our state machine.
Let’s say our FSM A is in state S1 and a non-blocking call is done.
Since it’s non-blocking, the state can keep going ahead, for example, until S4.
So, when the response of the non-blocking call arrives, we are in S4.
In that scenario, if we allow the state mutate, we may have inconsistency, right?
Then, our mileage may vary, but, when non-blocking calls are done, should we “block” the change of the FSM’s state?
> In that scenario, if we allow the state mutate, we may have inconsistency, right?
Thanks for the question – it is indeed one of those things which tends to cause confusion (and has an interesting and elegant answer too ;-)). The answer goes along the following lines:
a) of course, final state MAY depend not only on the result of the non-blocking call, but also on the time when the result arrives
b) however, whether it is an inconsistency – depends on the point of view.
I prefer to consider any reply to RPC call (or more generally – reply to ANY non-blocking call) as a yet another element of INPUTS[].
Then there are absolutely no inconsistencies, and behaviour is perfectly defined by INPUTS[] (and nothing else). Or, looking at the same thing from a practical perspective – if our FSM is deterministic, AND we record all the inputs (including RPC replies) – we will be able to replay the whole thing in a perfectly deterministic manner (exactly because it is an FSM with each next state being a function of INPUT and previous state).
It’s a mind blowing answer
Everything makes sense when considering any RPC call response as INPUTS[]. Thanks a lot one more time =]