Quote: | As Mac laptops are indeed very visible, we can easily review all conference videos on YouTube, and calculate a share of Macs used by speakers |
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analytics for those Senior Software Developers, Team Leads, Architects, and Project Managers who're Able to Think
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
Quote: | As Mac laptops are indeed very visible, we can easily review all conference videos on YouTube, and calculate a share of Macs used by speakers |
[→] |
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
I’m back from #CPPCON2017 now, and can report on the last day of it. First (and IMO foremost <wink />), there was my own talk on “Eight Ways to Handle Non-blocking Returns in Message-passing Programs: from C++98 via C++11 to C++20”. Not sure whether it was exciting enough (and 3 or 4 people left the […]
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
At CPPCON2017 Day 2, two talks were of special interest to me. One was a 2-hour talk about Local Allocators – and another about C++17 STL parallelised algorithms. Local Allocators The talk on Local Allocator by John Lakos was brilliant both in terms of content and in terms of presentation (I wish I’d be able to speak […]
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
At CPPCON2017 day 1, interesting (and IMO good <smile />) things were happening. A Chance to Get Readable Formatting: {fmt} IMO, the most important thing which has happened on Day 1 was a series of discussions about a potential to adding an alternative to overloaded operator << in iostreams <yay! />. Those who know me […]
posted by "No Bugs" Hare
Very short report from day 0 of CPPCON2017. Registration reception was lively (with Gor Nishanov being the star of the show, but lots of the other interesting people were noticed, I even spotted <da-dum /> Bjarne Himself). There were posters, and while some were well, not to my taste (example: IMNSHO, a global deadlock detection […]