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...then 'No Bugs' Hare on Soft.ware might be the right place for you.
Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included

For most of us, programming (or more generally – software development) is all the life is about.

IT Hares are not different. And they have more than just quite a few bits to share about programming…

All Rants on Programming, page 2:

Unchecked Exceptions for C++

Quote: “‘unchecked’ std::errors are treated as ‘something which should never ever happen, but in practice MAY occur as a result of potentially-recoverable bug'”
Another Quote: “Failing-Fast does NOT mean we should necessarily Fail-Hard(!). In certain (production!) cases, Failing-Fast-AND-Soft IS a substantially better alternative.”

App-level Developer on std::error Exceptions Proposal for C++. Part II. The Discussion.

Quote: “having an ability to associate extra information with std::error is important for us – both for our own std::error exceptions, and for conversion from existing C++ exceptions”
Another Quote: “I think that current C++ standard is Badly Lacking(tm) a concept of ‘segfault’ (which is supported by CPUs on VAST majority of modern systems with modern C++ compilers)”

App-level Developer on std::error Exceptions Proposal for C++. Part I. The Good

Quote: “No single error handling method is good enough for ALL the projects – which in turn leads to segmentation, with some of the projects using exceptions, and some others using error codes”
Another Quote: “Right above I said that I like the std::error exception proposal a.k.a.[P0709R0]. However, as soon as I look at competing proposals, I begin to love it.”