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The choice of programming language for your Next Big Project can be difficult. Even worse, it can seem easy… when it is not. On the one hand, strictly speaking, you can write any program in any of Turing-complete languages. On the other hand, that doesn’t mean it will be easy. In fact, writing a program in a poorly suitable programming language could be extremely difficult.

Programming Languages, page 3:

C++ Guidelines – Made-to-Measure vs One-Size-Fits-All

Abstract: “After bashing all those Big Name guys for making those over-arching sets of guidelines, it is perfectly logical for me myself to do the same 😉”
Quote: “DON’T use C-style cast, EVER. If you DO need a cast – DO spend time on figuring out which of C++ *_cast<>s you really mean (and maybe, you’ll find a way to avoid that cast at all)”

C++ Performance: Common Wisdoms and Common “Wisdoms”

Quote: “over(ab)using C++ features is a different story, we’ll discuss these features below on case-by-case basis”
Another Quote: “Compiler will use all its Next-to-Divine Wisdom to show you that it is smarter than you are, and to ignore most of those inline specifications you carefully wrote.”

C++ for Games: Performance. Allocations and Data Locality

Abstract: “Allocations and related lack of spatial locality can be DAMN EXPENSIVE”
Quote: “During the times of Ancient Gamers (also known as times of Atari, ZX Spectrum, and Commodore64), CPUs were running at clock speed of a single-MHz (and one operation usually took several clocks). At the same time, memory run at about the speed comparable to that of CPUs.”

MMOG Server-Side. Programming Languages

Quote: “From the 50’000-feet point of view, 90% of the differences between modern mainstream programming languages (as they’re normally used – or better to say, SHOULD be used – at application-level) are minor or superficial.”
Another Quote: “On the server side (unlike client-side) protection from bot writers is not an issue (as server-side code is never exposed to players)”

Asynchronous Processing for Finite State Machines/Actors: from plain event processing to Futures (with OO and Lambda Call Pyramids in between)

Quote: “With ‘callback pyramid’ it is not easy to express the concept of ‘wait for more than one thing to complete’ , which leads to unnecessary sequencing, adding to latencies (which may or may not be a problem for your purposes, but still a thing to keep in mind).”
Another Quote: “Don’t even think of converting all of your code to a so-called Continuation-Passing-Style”