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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Determinism’, page 3:

Asynchronous Processing for Finite State Machines/Actors: from plain event processing to Futures (with OO and Lambda Call Pyramids in between)

Quote: “With ‘callback pyramid’ it is not easy to express the concept of ‘wait for more than one thing to complete’ , which leads to unnecessary sequencing, adding to latencies (which may or may not be a problem for your purposes, but still a thing to keep in mind).”
Another Quote: “Don’t even think of converting all of your code to a so-called Continuation-Passing-Style”

Client-Side. Client Architecture Diagram, Threads, and Game Loop

Quote: “To have a good concurrency model, it is not strictly necessary to program in Erlang”
Another Quote: “Most of developers agree that FSM-based programming is beneficial in the medium- to long-run.”

Client-Side. On Debugging Distributed Systems, Deterministic Logic, and Finite State Machines

Quote: “After your logic has failed in production, you can “replay” this inputs-log on your functionally identical in-house system, and the bug will be reproduced at the very same point where it has originally happened.”
Another Quote: “You can implement your Finite State Machine as a deterministic variation of a usual event-driven program”