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Assorted Rants Tagged ‘Cache’, page 2:

C++ Performance: Common Wisdoms and Common “Wisdoms”

Quote: “over(ab)using C++ features is a different story, we’ll discuss these features below on case-by-case basis”
Another Quote: “Compiler will use all its Next-to-Divine Wisdom to show you that it is smarter than you are, and to ignore most of those inline specifications you carefully wrote.”

C++ for Games: Performance. Allocations and Data Locality

Abstract: “Allocations and related lack of spatial locality can be DAMN EXPENSIVE”
Quote: “During the times of Ancient Gamers (also known as times of Atari, ZX Spectrum, and Commodore64), CPUs were running at clock speed of a single-MHz (and one operation usually took several clocks). At the same time, memory run at about the speed comparable to that of CPUs.”

Server-Side Architecture. Front-End Servers and Client-Side Random Load Balancing

Quote: “[about Round-Robin DNS] one of these returned IPs can get cached by a Big Fat DNS server, and then get distributed to many thousands of clients”
Another Quote: “As a rule of thumb, Front-End Servers are a Good Thing™”

Server-Side MMO Architecture. Naïve, Web-Based, and Classical Deployment Architectures

Quote: “If you disrupt the game-event-currently-in-progress for more than 0.5-2 minutes, for almost-any synchronous multi-player game you won’t be able to get the same players back, and will need to rollback the game event anyway.”
Another Quote: “However, keep in mind, that all fall-tolerant solutions are complicated, costly, and for the games realm I generally consider them as an over-engineering (even by my standards).”

Modified Harvard Architecture: Clarifying Confusion

Abstract: Definition of “Modified Harvard” architecture is confusing and overbroad. Proposed alternatives are “Almost-Harvard” and “Almost-von-Neumann”
Quote: “One thing nobody realised for a while is that the system with the least possible amount of chargebacks is the system which rejects all transactions outright”