If you're in trouble and cannot find an answer to a question which goes beyond Stack Overflow...
If you have a not-so-usual solution for your problems but need to justify it to your boss...
If you like to think on your own rather than blindly follow "common wisdom" and "profound truth"...
...then 'No Bugs' Hare on Soft.ware might be the right place for you.
Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included

For most of us, programming (or more generally – software development) is all the life is about.

IT Hares are not different. And they have more than just quite a few bits to share about programming…

All Musings on Programming, page 5:

OLTP DB Optimizations 102 –100% Coherent App-Level Cache for Single-writing-DB-connection

Quote: “with our app-level cache, we’re guaranteed to get exactly the same results as if we’d be querying the underlying database.”
Another Quote: “why settle for invalidation when we can modify cache accordingly, saving on the extra DB request when we’re dealing with the same USER again?”

Allocator for (Re)Actors with Optional Kinda-Safety and Relocation

Quote: “‘Safe with relocation’ mode will allow us to eliminate dreaded ‘external fragmentation’ – which tends to cause quite a bit of trouble for long-running systems”
Another Quote: “For a long while, I have been a strong proponent of message-passing mechanisms over mutex-based thread sync for concurrency purposes”

Ultra-fast Serialization of C++ Objects

Quote: “in both these cases we can be 100% sure that we’ll be deserializing this state on the executable which is identical to the executable which serialized the state.”
Another Quote: “Even when comparing with home-grown code with per-field serialization, our Ultra-Fast Serialization still wins (up to 1.5x-2x) “

Production Crashes. Post-factum Debugging. Logging. Replayable Deterministic Re(Actors)

Quote: “I’ve seen game companies with hundreds of thousands of dollars lost per hour of unplanned server downtime.”
Another Quote: “deterministic debugging is by far the best thing I have seen for production debugging.”