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Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included

When writing our software, we need to think about hardware which will run our software.

Hardware, page 1:

Bringing Architecture of Operating Systems to XXI Century – Part II. Desirable Improvements

Quote: “low-end versions of the new OS should be lean enough to run on a ~$1 MCU (these days ~=4K RAM, 32K ROM)”
Another Quote: “last N minutes of the life of the production program before crashing, should be replayable on my development box.”

Experience with development server 7x cheaper than Linode/DO

Preamble As I wrote a few weeks ago, I am currently developing an open-souce ithare::obf library. And apparently, to make sure it works more or less consistently, a Damn Lot(tm) of randomized testing (and preferably under different compilers) is necessary. As a result, last week I found myself in a search for a cheap Linux box […]

Journaled Flash Storage – Emulating EEPROM over Flash, ACID Transactions, and More. Part II – Existing Implementations by Atmel, SiLabs, TI, STM, and Microchip

Quote: “Whenever a developer is using something named ‘X Emulation over Y’, she may expect that a faithful emulation exhibits the same properties as original (non-emulated) X.”
Another Quote: “Unfortunately, as discussed in detail above, none of five implementations is a really faithful EEPROM emulation.”