If you're in trouble and cannot find an answer to a question which goes beyond Stack Overflow...
If you have a not-so-usual solution for your problems but need to justify it to your boss...
If you like to think on your own rather than blindly follow "common wisdom" and "profound truth"...
...then 'No Bugs' Hare on Soft.ware might be the right place for you.
Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included
“No Bugs” Hare
Author:“No Bugs” Hare  Follow: TwitterFacebook
Species:H.A.R.E. (as "Honest And Restless Engineer")
Job Title:Sarcastic Architect
Hobbies:Thinking Aloud, Arguing with Managers, Annoying HRs,
Calling a Spade a Spade, Keeping Tongue in Cheek
'No Bugs' Bunny

Once upon a time, in a rabbit outsourcing warren of Bunnylore, there was a young software developer bunny. And as a developer, he has had one very unusual treat: he was obsessed with eliminating all the bugs he can get his forelegs on. So, it is not surprising that his friends called him a “No Bugs” Bunny (or simply “NoBugs”).

Later on, he grew up, so he decided that “Bunny” in his name has became inappropriate (not to mention potential arguments with Warner Brothers), so he has asked all his friends to call him “No Bugs” Hare. He has made a career as a team lead and software architect, and they lived happily ever after.

“No Bugs” Hare Opera Omnia, Vol.24:

On Cheating, P2P, and [non-]Authoritative Servers from “D&D of MMOG” book

Abstract: “Any successful MMOG faces cheaters, and currently authoritative servers is the only way which enables fighting them.”
Quote: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. — Albert Einstein”

MOG GDD (a.k.a. Business Requirements)

Quote: “You don’t “make” a violin. It is barrels and benches which are “made”. And violins, just like bread, grapes, and children – are born and raised.”
Another Quote: “The very first step should be to understand what exactly you’re going to achieve.”

Contents of “Development and Deployment of Multiplayer Online Games: from social games to MMOFPS, with stock exchanges in between”

Abstract: There are lots of things to think about when developing a massively multiplayer game
Quote: “Good Development & Deployment cannot make your game, but bad ones can easily kill it”

Journaled Flash Storage – Emulating EEPROM over Flash, ACID Transactions, and More. Part II – Existing Implementations by Atmel, SiLabs, TI, STM, and Microchip

Quote: “Whenever a developer is using something named ‘X Emulation over Y’, she may expect that a faithful emulation exhibits the same properties as original (non-emulated) X.”
Another Quote: “Unfortunately, as discussed in detail above, none of five implementations is a really faithful EEPROM emulation.”