A Guide to Computing Pioneers in History

The world is a constantly changing place. We have seen a number of innovations in every aspect of our lives. While man has made massive strides in medicine, technology and all areas, one of the biggest that has impacted our every day life is the invention of the computer.

For centuries man has looked for ways to automate routine tasks. To that end, inventions such as the automobile, sewing machine, telephone and a host of others have been created to help make our every day lives easier. To assist mathematicians make calculations easier and faster, inventors looked for ways to automate this task as well. Towards this end, calculating machines were created to aid in making math easier. These calculating machines were the forerunners of what we now call computers.

Over the past century the computer has gone through many major changes. The first programmable computer was created in the 1930’s. These first computer inventions were a far cry from the computers that we know and enjoy today.

Early computers were very large and not very powerful. Some of the earliest computers such as the ENIAC computer had limited capabilities, but assisted users in specific areas. Users such as the U.S. Navy began using early programmable computers to assist ships at sea.

Over the years, computer technology improved and the machines became faster and more powerful. In addition, computers also became smaller and early advancements were made so that personal computers for the home and office became to be used. These have changed the way that people do business and receive information in the manner we know today.

In history many important people have played a role in developing the computer. Pioneers such as Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the world wide web, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, Grace Hopper, creator of the first programming language and many others have been instrumental in advancing computers in the world.

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